Have it your way

Using Tagamac

  1. Browsing Tagamac
  2. Have it your way

Like tagging, but uninterested in Mac software updates? Like software updates, but hate my opinions/advice on tagging? Only interested in software reviews? We’ve got you covered!

Tagamac offers custom feeds for every section of the site, allowing you to subscribe only to what you want to read. You can choose your preferred subscription from our RSS info page, or use the following links to subscribe to the main sections that were available at the time of this writing.

If I ever add a section that you want to subscribe to, simply navigate to the section using the links in the sidebar or archives and add “feed/” to the end of the location in your address bar (so it looks like this: “https://tagamac.com/archives/categoryname/feed/”). Enjoy your customized RSS feed!