Other websites

Tagamac is nice, but what if you want to know about more than tagging? Here’s some of my favorite Apple blogs and resources online.


  • 43 Folders
    • Merlin Mann’s blog
    • Productivity advice and links
    • Often focused on productivity on the Mac
  • About This Particular Macintosh
    • A periodical online magazine focusing on the Mac computing experience
  • Daring Fireball
    • John Gruber’s blog
    • A running commentary on the Apple world, design, and code
    • Highly recommended
  • Hawk Wings
    • A blog dedicated to Apple’s Mail.app
    • Includes tips, software links, and more
    • Highly recommended
  • The Unofficial Apple Weblog
    • A blog for all things Apple
    • Includes tips, commentary, news, and more
  • You’re it!
    • A blog about tagging that focuses more on the conceptual side of the subject
