Tagging software

Although I am hoping to expand this section of the site to be easily filtered and searched (and hopefully more interactive), currently this is just a list of all the tagging software for Mac OS X that I know of. If you think something is missing from the list, please let me know! I’m expanding the list all the time as I find new software.

The Spotlight utilities at the end of the list are not tagging software, per se, but can easily be used to roll your own tagging system using Spotlight comments.

[Bookmarks / Del.icio.us]  [File library]  [File system / Finder]  [GTD]  [Miscellaneous]  [Music]  [Photos]  [Writing]  [Spotlight]

Bookmarks / Del.icio.us

  • Cloud.li.cio.us
    • dashboard del.icio.us widget
    • donations requested
  • Menulicious
    • del.icio.us client
    • open source
  • Pukka
    • del.icio.us client
    • $12.95
  • SiteTagger
    • bookmarks manager
    • del.icio.us capable
    • $14.95
  • WebnoteHappy
    • bookmarks manager
    • del.icio.us client
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $24.95

File library

  • EagleFiler
    • file library
    • finder friendly
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $40
  • Nify Box
    • file library
    • finder friendly
    • €24.95
  • PackRat
    • backpack desktop client
    • online file library
    • $24.95 + Backpack account
  • Together
    • (was KIT)
    • file library
    • database
    • $39
  • Yep
    • pdf file library
    • finder friendly
    • $34
  • Yojimbo
    • file library
    • $39

File system / Finder

  • Batch Apply Spotlight Keywords
    • file system tagging
    • automator workflow
    • not recommended
    • free
  • Branding Iron
    • file system tagging
    • open source
  • Clear Tags
    • file system tagging
    • applescript
    • spotlight comments
    • free
  • DropLight
    • file system tagging
    • spotlight comments
    • free
  • Folders2Tags
    • file system tagging
    • spotlight comments
    • free
  • Leap
    • file system tagging
    • spotlight comments
    • $59
  • Punakea
    • file system tagging
    • tag browsing
    • free
    • donations requested
  • SmartComments
    • file system tagging
    • applescript
    • free
  • TagBot
    • file system tagging
    • tag browsing
    • $20

GTD (task managers)


  • Booxter
    • collection tracker
    • limited tagging
    • $49.99
  • Cha-Ching
    • financial tracking
    • $40
  • Code Collector Pro
    • code snippets management
    • €20
  • ecto
    • desktop blogging client
    • limited tagging
    • $17.95
  • MailTags
    • mail.app tagging
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $29.95
  • MarsEdit
    • desktop blogging client
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $29.95


  • Quick Tag
    • itunes tagging
    • beta
    • free
    • donations requested
  • TuneTags
    • itunes tagging
    • beta
    • free
    • donations requested



  • Journler
    • note-taking / journaling
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $34.95
  • MacJournal
    • note-taking / journaling
    • $34.95
  • Notae
    • note-taking
    • $29
  • Scrivener
    • creative writing software
    • $34.99
  • StoryMill
    • creative writing software
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $44.95
  • VoodooPad
    • note-taking
    • limited tagging
    • $29.95 / $49.95


  • FileSpot
    • tagamac’s review
    • advanced spotlight searching
    • tagging intentionally included
    • tagamac’s choice
    • $20
  • Meta
    • advanced spotlight searching
    • $20
  • SpotMeta
    • spotlight metadata creator
    • beta
    • open source