Tag archive: tagamac

Welcome to Tagamac!

Welcome to Tagamac, a new blog about Mac OS X software and the ubiquitous tag. Over the next several weeks I will be writing about tags and the Macintosh, from general information about what exactly tags are and how they are used, to specifically looking at the software on the Mac that uses tags.

You can look forward to updates on all of the Mac software that uses tags (that I’ve found, anyway), reviews of Mac tagging software, and general information about tagging that will hopefully be useful even for those who do not use tags on the Mac.

Although this may seem odd, at least at first I will not be discussing tags as an internet phenomenon. Tags may have gained their primary impetus through collaborative online spaces, but I have found that at least for me, the intrigue and the challenge of tags is less how I can use them online (which generally is fairly straight-forward) and more about how I can integrate them into the organization on my computer. Perhaps I will begin to look at tags online more in the future, but for now Tagamac is just like its name sounds: tagging on the Mac.

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