FileSpot 2.0 released

FileSpotFileSpot, the Spotlight searching utility that is the updated version of MoRU, has officially come out of beta today. FileSpot allows users to do far more complex Spotlight searches than is possible with the default OS interface, and features a number of improvements over MoRU including TagBot compatible tagging and tag searches, deeply nested search logic (allowing you to create very specific searches very easily), a tabbed interface, and the ability to export searches as Finder Smart Folders. As of the third beta, FileSpot spots a new metallic icon as well. (Honestly, I liked the old one better; this one’s a bit chunky.)

If you do much of anything that involves Spotlight, you owe it to yourself to at least try FileSpot. It is a very advanced search utility, and may be a key ingredient in any file system tagging you do. Additionally, there are some cool new features planned for upcoming versions that are definitely worth getting excited about. FileSpot is $20 shareware with a 30 day trial period and a 50% discount for owners of MoRU.