Tag archive: shareware

Tags 2.0 released

Tags 2.0Tags 2.0, a major rewrite of the file system tagging solution from Gravity Apps, has been released. This update feels like a completely different application; gone are the stylized custom interface elements of old, replaced by a HUD-style window (for tagging items), a standard 3-pane window for browsing tags, and a Spotlight-like search bar. The underlying tagging system is apparently also changed (while still supporting OpenMeta), although I couldn’t find any details about what specifically has changed. In addition to the cosmetic changes, the program now offers support for many more applications and has apparently been improved in other, less obvious ways (though the developers are pretty scant with the details.

Tags 2.0 requires 10.6 and is a free update for licensed users of Tags 1.0 (although you do have to manually choose to register it, as they have added a one-time activation over the internet). Although I’m unsure if Tags still has a place in my personal workflow, this is definitely an update worthy of attention if you’ve been looking for a tagging solution for your Snow Leopard machine that’s a bit simpler to use than Leap. For slightly more info about the update, see the 2.0 release announcement.

Updates of note for November 2009

Whilst my attention was distracted by my participation in NaNoWriMo this month, several software updates of note passed me by including Yojimbo 2.1, EagleFiler 1.4.11, Together 2.3, and MarsEdit 2.4. Yojimbo 2.1 has numerous improvements and fixes, particularly for users of 10.6. EagleFiler 1.4.10 and 1.4.11 also includes numerous bug fixes, but no new features. Together 2.3 adds the ability to open items in any application, along with many other fixes and improvements. MarsEdit 2.4 offers improved SquareSpace support, along with several bug fixes and crash prevention measures.

For more information, see the Yojimbo release notes, EagleFiler blog announcement, Together release notes, and MarsEdit blog announcement.

VoodooPad update: 4.2

VoodooPadVoodooPad, that most excellent of desktop wikis, has been updated to version 4.2. This version includes numerous enhancements, one of the best being that the functionality for VoodooPad Pro has been collapsed back into the standard version of VoodooPad. This means that everyone can access event scripts and so forth without needing the more expensive VoodooPad Pro license, while those with simple needs can still use the free lite version.

Other improvements include numerous synching bug fixes, JSTalk support for the programmatic-minded, variables to access clipboard contents for new page templates, and more. For full details, see the release notes. The best part of version 4.2, though, is that thanks to it I can at long last release my custom VoodooPad scratchpad template.

Yojimbo 2.0 released

Yojimbo 2.0Yojimbo 2.0, the next version of the oh-so-simple file library from Bare Bones Software, was released today. Feature highlights include an improved Quick Input panel, the ability to tag and otherwise categorize PDFs when you “print to Yojimbo”, an improved drop dock with customizable contents and tag collections (that will apply the tags they filter for when you drop an item on them), and scads of improvements to the basic tagging system. Although I knew it was aiming for simplicity, Yojimbo has always felt like it sacrificed too much in an attempt to attain that goal. Tags can now be renamed, combined, and otherwise manipulated through the new tag and label manager. Additionally, instead of creating a collection for every tag Yojimbo now features a “tag explorer” that shows you related tags and allows easy filtering for items across the database.

Yojimbo 2.0 is a $20 upgrade for existing users, and costs $39 for new users. If you purchased Yojimbo on or after January 1, 2009, version 2.0 is a free upgrade. The program now requires OS 10.5.7 or higher (including 10.6). If you’ve been looking for an easy way to store notes, URLs, PDFs, application license information, passwords, and much more without the overhead and complexity of other solutions, Yojimbo has always been a great option, and with version 2.0′s improvements to the tag browsing system, I highly recommend giving Yojimbo’s free 30 day demo a try. For more information about the update, see the release notes.

iGTD and Things join forces, Things 1.2 released

ThingsWith the release yesterday of Things 1.2, Cultured Code announced an exciting new addition to their company: Bartek Bargiel, the creator of the venerable program iGTD. Before the Things public beta, I was a user of iGTD, for although I despised its interface I could not resist its sheer power. Sadly, shortly after the release of OmniFocus and Things iGTD faded into abandonware as Bartek evidently lacked the time to bring the fabled iGTD 2 to fruition.

Now Bartek is the newest employee at Cultured Code and we’re already seeing the benefits with Things 1.2. Aside from even better keyboard navigation support, Things 1.2′s greatest improvement is the inclusion of Quick Entry Autofill, previously known in iGTD as the “F-key trick”. By using Quick Entry Autofill instead of the standard autofill shortcut, you can have your task autopopulated with the selected text and—if possible—a link back to the source when you invoke it from just about anywhere on the Mac. Also included are LaunchBar and Quicksilver plugins to allow easy, text-based creation of tasks for those who prefer that method. Things 1.2 also adds Spotlight compatibility, so you can search your tasks from anywhere. Read more about 1.2′s featureset. [read more...]

10.6 Updates

So many apps have received minor updates to give them full compatibility with Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard that it’s hardly worth posting anything about them. Among the apps that have been updated for Snow Leopard as of this writing are: Tags, EagleFiler, Punakea, Things, OmniFocus, Hazel, Scrivener, and I’m sure others that I’ve overlooked.

Other apps, like Together, have had Snow Leopard compatibility for some time; if a tagging app not listed here is central to your workflow, you should definitely check with its developer to see if it has been tested on Snow Leopard prior to upgrading.

EagleFiler update: 1.4.7

EagleFilerMy all-time favorite file library, EagleFiler, was recently updated to version 1.4.7. The big new feature in this version is that EagleFiler will now copy tags into files’ extended attributes for interoperability with OpenMeta applications. EagleFiler will also integrate with OpenMeta’s “recent tags” list, and import tags assigned using OpenMeta. However, note that because EagleFiler still relies primarily on its program-specific database for tags, once a file is in EagleFiler you should edit tags with EagleFiler.

The update includes numerous other minor features, improvements, and bug fixes. See the 1.4.7 blog announcement for details.

Snippet update: 1.2

SnippetIn a continued paroxysm of productivity, Fuel Collective has upgraded Snippet to version 1.2. This upgrade includes a completely revamped method for language support; languages are now bundles that you can download and install piecemeal to suit your particular usage. Additionally, several new languages are now supported, including ColdFusion, MSSQL, Flex, and others.

For full details, see the release notes.

Snippet update: 1.1

SnippetSnippet, the snazzy new kid on the snippet management block, has been updated to version 1.1. This update includes improves on almost all of my original annoyances with the program: you can now access application functions like quitting, preferences, and so forth through the gear button (now a menu instead of just opening the preferences). Additionally you can have Snippet paste snippets directly into whatever app is frontmost rather than copying the snippet to your clipboard. And lastly you can navigate the list of snippets with simple arrow keys, and select a snippet by hitting return.

Unfortunately, there’s currently a bug that prevents you from using those two last features together, but regardless the program is much more useable now, and I highly recommend you take a look if you need to store code or text snippets. Full information about the release is available in the release notes.

Hazel update: 2.3

HazelHazel, my absolutely favorite application when it comes to keeping my file system in order without needing much of my time, has been updated to version 2.3. Although this update does not contain any improvements that specifically will make tagging easier, it does contain numerous improvements to the core software such as syntax highlighting for shell scripts (and an overall improved script editor), the ability to move or copy items to the “enclosing folder” which moves them one level up in the file system, and numerous other fixes and updates. Additionally, the use of keywords has been phased out of the program, but you shouldn’t have been writing to keywords, anyway (way too likely to get wiped out by another program).

For the full story, see the Hazel release notes.