Archive for September, 2007

The what

Creating a consistent tagging system is like baking a perfect pie crust: it makes you salivate to think about, but some days it just doesn’t work out. Fortunately, consistent tagging (unlike a perfect pie crust) isn’t affected by humidity; all you need is some careful attention to detail. And perhaps the most important detail to keep in mind while you are tagging is “the what”.

Quite simply, the what is just your answer to a two-part question: what item and what attributes? Despite the simplicity of the question, knowing the what is a vital part of creating a consistent tagging system. You can take or leave my SLS guidelines, but if you really want consistency you’re going to have to ask yourself about attributes. [read more...]

FileSpot update: 2.0.2

FileSpotFileSpot, a Spotlight searching utility, has received a minor update to 2.0.2, apparently bypassing 2.0.1. This version includes improvements to the startup demo dialog, better license key validation, and a way to report validation problems.

Unfortunately, release notes are only available through the in-program Sparkle updating, so for details you’ll have to check for updates from within the program.

Yep update: 1.6.7

Yep!Hard on the heels of the previous minor update to Yep, 1.6.7 fixes a crash that occurred when moving documents to the Yep documents folder. Apparently this pesky bug wasn’t actually quashed by 1.6.6.

No other bugs or changes were reported for 1.6.7, so unless this crash has been bothering you, you probably don’t need to rush out immediately to update.