Archive for October, 2007

1Passwd on sale today only

1PasswdI know that it’s Totally Lame that I haven’t written a significant article in a long while for Tagamac and now I’m giving you an off-topic, but work has been heinous and updates to tagging software slow. ‘Nuff said; on to the news: 1Passwd, an amazingly useful program that keeps track of your passwords for you, is on sale today, October 11th, 2007 for 33% off over at the MacUpdate Promo.

Although it has absolutely nothing to do with tagging, I strongly recommend 1Passwd for anyone who uses the internet with a Mac. The developers are working on some pretty awesome stuff for the upcoming updates, too, so now would be a great time to buy it on the cheap.

43 Folders exclusive

Merlin Mann over at 43 Folders asked me to share some of my tagging feng shui with him and his readers. The result is a little how-to article on building a consistent tagging system called Becoming a tagging kung-fu master. It’s a rather good read, if I do say so myself, with similar ideas to The what and a couple other articles in the “Tagging guidelines” series.

For visitors from 43 Folders exploring Tagamac for the first time, welcome! you might want to check out Tagging best practices (the site’s most popular article to date), Easy choices (a short counterpoint to some of the thoughts from the 43 Folders article and my previous “The what” article), or the software reviews. There is also a list of the most popular articles in the archives.