Things alpha open to all, pricing announced
If you’ve been waiting to shell out for OmniFocus in the hopes that you could try the competition, you’re in luck! Things, the hot new GTD app from Cultured Code, is now available as a completely public preview. Head over to the Things website to download it if you want to see for yourself how cool tagging and GTD are together. Additionally, pricing info has been announced! Things will be released in Spring 2008 for $49, or $39 for members of the mailing list who sign up before January 31st. Keep in mind that Things is still not feature-complete, but the latest preview versions are very stable; I’ve been using it as my primary task manager since shortly before the limited public preview was released and have been very happy with it.
I’ve written a page in the now-public Things wiki with a real-world tagging example if you would like some help designing your tag cloud for Things. Additionally, you can still watch my Things screencast if you’d like to see it in action before diving in yourself. Please note that some very cool features have been added (particularly the ability to link to email messages and other documents) since I recorded the screencast, though.