Tag archive: online

PackRat update: 1.3.1

PackRatPackRat, a desktop client for 37signals’ Backpack service, just received a minor update to 1.3.1. This update includes several minor bug fixes and other slight changes to make the program easier to use. The developer also notes that thanks to an update to Backpack, there is a known bug with displaying images added since Backpack’s most recent update; however, the developer is trying to work with 37signals to solve the issue.

For more information, you can see the 1.3.1 blog post, or download it to view the release notes. In other news, things have been slow around the site recently because I’m working on Tagamac’s first review of a piece of software. I should have the article ready soon!

UTW-RPC update: 1.5

Although this isn’t really a piece of software, per se, Circle Six Design updated their UTW-RPC WordPress plugin to work with WordPress 2.2.1+. The plugin allows remote editing using tools such as ecto or MarsEdit to assign tags using the popular Ultimate Tag Warrior or Simple Tagging plugins. The WordPress admin area is alright, but I’ve long been a fan of ecto, and this plugin is the magic that allows me to use it.

To download the plugin and for more info, visit the UTW-RPC and AutoTag download page.