Tag archive: online

Webjimbo update: 2.1

WebjimboWebjimbo, the web-based portal to your Yojimbo library, has been updated to version 2.1. This version now supports Yojimbo 1.5 (requires it, in fact) and provides minor fixes to password and serial number searching to bring Webjimbo more in line with Yojimbo.

For more information, please see the release notes.

PackRat update: 1.5.3

PackRatPackRat, the desktop Backpack client, has been updated to version 1.5.3. This minor update fixes a bug where PackRat would not display images in the same order as Backpack, and brings the help documentation completely up to date. There aren’t really any more details, but if you want to see it in the developer’s own words you can read the 1.5.3 blog announcement.

In other news, InfiniteNIL has announced that they are pondering upgrade fees and Leopard-only compatibility. If you’ve got any strong opinions on the subject (or desired features that you haven’t requested yet), they’d love to hear from you.

PackRat update: 1.5.1…er, 1.5.2

PackRatInfiniteNil, developer of PackRat, has been busily releasing very minor updates for PackRat that fix crashes and problems running under Leopard. These are very minor updates; in fact, there are no release notes, really, just a couple of bare-bones blog announcements.

If you’re running Leopard, updating to the latest version is highly recommended, and can be done from the PackRat webpage.

PackRat update: 1.5

PackRatPackRat, an application that allows you to use your Backpack offline and/or outside your web browser, has been updated to 1.5. This update brings bug fixes for Leopard (what release in the past few days hasn’t?), and more importantly adds back the ability to reorder your list items. It also introduces the ability to add an item at a specific point as a stop-gap until the developer is able to implement general item reordering. And last, you can now edit and remove dividers.

For more information, please see the PackRat 1.5 blog announcement.

PackRat update: 1.4

PackRatPackRat, the Mac offline frontend to BackPack, has been updated to 1.4. This version brings PackRat fully up to date with BackPack’s newest updates, and most importantly resolves synching issues that users were seeing in 1.3.x. It also adds the ability for PackRat to display various objects from BackPack (including dividers) in the proper order.

For more information, please see the 1.4 blog announcement.

Upgrading to WordPress 2.3

Tagamac has been upgraded to WordPress 2.3, a release of the venerable open source blogging platform mostly notable for its inclusion of tagging. No longer shall bloggers be forced to suffer through Ultimate Tag Warrior’s bizarre installation and mountains of options. Tagging your blog posts is now officially supported.

Well, sort of. Unfortunately, WordPress 2.3 is very bare bones when it comes to tags. No auto-completion. No cloud underneath your editing window. You have to either remember all of your tags, or just go for broke with the random method. [read more...]

PackRat looking for beta testers

PackRatInfiniteNIL, the developer of PackRat, is looking for beta testers. The PackRat beta has been updated to interface with the latest Backpack changes, and will now present your items in the same order as on Backpack. Additionally, the developer is offering free licenses to beta testers who “prove useful”. Although you probably won’t be able to get a free license by signing up and submitting a single bug, if you like Backpack and are good at beta testing it may be worth your while.

You can read more about the beta test on infiniteNIL’s blog, or shoot an email to rod obfuscate@infinitenil.com to request a spot in the beta test.

Should PackRat abandon BackPack?

PackRatInfiniteNIL, developer of PackRat (the desktop Backpack client), is fed up with 37signals’ crummy support for the Backpack API and seeking customer input. If you use PackRat / Backpack, the developer would love to hear whether you’d prefer to see PackRat grow into a more powerful desktop program, or if it should stick close to Backpack, no matter the trials and tribulations.

If you’re just itching to share your opinion, you can visit the original blog post or contact them directly.

Tagamac on Ma.gnolia

Ma.gnoliaAlthough Tagamac is focused pretty closely on Mac OS X tagging software at the moment, my interest in tagging is a bit broader. To feed this obsession of mine, I wandered over to Ma.gnolia and set up a new group called Tag Your Life. Currently I’m the only (lonely) member, but if you like tags, occasionally stumble across articles about tagging outside of Tagamac, and are a member of Ma.gnolia (or willing to give it a try), you should check it out. I promise not to post links to Tagamac unless I write something really, really good.

Why Ma.gnolia? Because visiting del.icio.us is like getting slapped in the face by the color blue. This is my first venture into the world of social bookmarking, and I’d rather see pretty flowers than try the site that started it all.

Week in brief: Yep, iGTD, Keyword Manager, Pukka, and PackRat

Several apps received minor updates while I was away from the internet. Yep was bumped to 1.6.5 (including several bug fixes and performance tweaks), iGTD jumped to (several minor bug fixes), Keyword Manager received a larger update to 1.3 which brings compatibility with iPhoto ’08, Pukka version 1.6.1 added support for the free RSS feeder Vienna, and PackRat is now at version 1.3.2 (fixing a crash that some people were seeing).

For more details about the updates, or to download them, please use the links above (all except Yep have blogs or release notes).