Tag archive: shareware

Pukka update: 1.8

PukkaPukka, the light-weight Delicious client from Code Sorcery, was recently updated to version 1.8. This update includes bookmark searching from the menu-bar (a la Spotlight), full Applescript access to bookmarks, and the ability to drag and drop your accounts to reorder them (with the top one serving as your default account). It additionally includes improvements under the hood like code signing and similar improvements.

For details, see the Pukka 1.8 blog announcement. Pukka is probably your best bet if you want a desktop Delicious client (my favorite bookmark manager is WebnoteHappy, but sadly its developer does not appear to be actively developing it any more), and is a very streamlined way to save and access bookmarks, particularly with the introduction of searching.

Snippet released

SnippetFor those developers who want something with a little more dazzle and a little less cost than the venerable Code Collector Pro, the newly released Snippet may be just the thing. Snippet offers a very simple HUD-style menubar window, accessed by the shorcut control-S. When you want to copy a previous snippet, just type control-S and start typing to search for it. To create a new snippet, control-S and then command-N. The interface is universally slick, with windows popping in and out, flipping over, and generally providing eye candy, and the program has some great features, like synchronization via MobileMe. And of course the program provides easy search hinting and organization using tags.

Snippet definitely is a 1.0, though. There are no menus to speak of and some of the user interactions are anything but intuitive, so before you use it you’ll want to check out the Help documentation on the Snippet website to brush up on the keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, there is also no way yet to paste your snippet directly into the frontmost app; you’ll have to copy it to your clipboard and then paste it into the app. However, despite these downsides Snippet is certainly an interesting and polished-looking offering that’s worth trying out if you’ve ever had problems synchronizing frequently-used code between multiple computers.

Code Collector Pro update: 1.3.5

Code Collector ProCode Collector Pro, the centralized library for code snippets, has been updated to version 1.3.5. This minor bug fix release includes fixes for snippet drag and drop, switches bundle installation to use the new Textmate repository, and now remembers the sort order of groups between launches.

For more details, see the release notes. Unfortunately, it looks like a major version increase for Code Collector is unlikely to happen in the near future.

Punakea 1.0 released

PunakeaAfter one of the longest public beta periods I’ve experienced outside of Google, Punakea has finally been released. Priced at $25, Punakea 1.0 brings numerous enhancements over previous versions. The biggest difference is that Punakea now uses OpenMeta for its tag storage instead of fantastically convoluted Spolight comments. Additional improvements include the ability to Quick Look your results when browsing through tagged files, a HUD-style tagger, a global hotkey for accessing said tagger from the Finder or your web browser, and numerous bugfixes.

For more information about Punakea’s 1.0 release and subsequent move from free to shareware, see the blog posts on the first 1.0 release candidate, final pricing, and the 1.0 announcement. Release notes are also available.

Leap 2.0 released

LeapLeap 2.0 was released today, finally bringing Ironic Software’s OpenMeta tagging system to their flagship product. In addition to OpenMeta tagging and ratings, Leap 2 sports a revamped, simplified interface and significant speed improvements. Tags are no longer stored in a database or cached to files on your hard drive; Leap now relies solely on OpenMeta for all of its tagging.

Leap 2 is available for $59 with a 10 day demo, or $19 for owners of Leap 1 (to get the upgrade price, install Leap 2, launch it, and click the “Upgrade Now…” button for instructions). For more information, see the release notes.

Default Folder X adds OpenMeta support

Default Folder XDefault Folder X, the “can’t live without” enhancement for open and save dialogs, has added support for OpenMeta tagging in version 4.2. This means that you can now tag a file when you save it, which is by far the best time to do so since it obviates the need to process files multiple times in order to tag them (needing to go back over files to organize them after the fact may be the biggest barrier to tagging). Version 4.2 also includes a new Applescript command, allows you to see invisible folders in save dialogs by holding down option when selecting “Save As”, and includes several bug fixes.

I highly recommend Default Folder X even if you have no interest in OpenMeta (it’s a fantastic utility), but this release is basically a must-have for anyone trying to setup an OpenMeta-driven tagging system. For more details about the release, see the Default Folder X release notes.

Recent updates for March 2009

Numerous tagging applications received interesting updates in March (lack of timely coverage thanks to real-life distractions). Tag Folders was bumped to 2.0 (current version: 2.0.2) and now includes OpenMeta tagging support with two-way conversion of tags and numerous bug fixes. MarsEdit 2.3 was released and added Tumblr support. EagleFiler 1.4.5 includes OpenMeta tags import, improved ways to access tags via Applescript, and numerous bug fixes. Tags 1.2 is now available and includes improved Quick Look support, a new AppleScript interface, reduced conflicts with MailTags, and several other fixes and improvements. Evernote 1.3 was released (current version 1.3.1), including a new Safari clipper toolbar button, Safari 4 support, Growl notifications, and (in not so happy news) advertisements for non-premium users.

For more information, see the Tag Folders release notes, MarsEdit 2.3 blog announcement, EagleFiler 1.4.5 blog announcement, and the Evernote 1.3 Mac blog announcement. Tags does not currently have up-to-date release notes online.

VoodooPad update: 4.1

VoodooPadVoodooPad was recently updated to version 4.1, an update mainly focused on significant bug fixes. However, it also introduces several new features, the most interesting to me being that tags are now synched via VoodooPad’s excellent WebDAV synching, and tags are also written out to the VoodooPad Spotlight index for searching. This is pretty exciting to me, because it means that I can at long last make my VoodooPad scratchpad work the way I want.

For more information about the update, see the release notes.

Together and EagleFiler updated

EagleFilerBoth Together and EagleFiler received minor updates recently. Together has been bumped to 2.2.6, an update which includes some minor bug fixes for Applescript behavior, syncing encrypted files, and Quick Notes with invisible characters. EagleFiler is now at 1.4.4, an update which includes numerous fixes such as a more streamlined capture workflow from Apple Mail, improved error messages when running into problems importing from various programs, and many other minor improvements.

For more information, see the Together release notes or EagleFiler 1.4.4 blog announcement.

Tags update: 1.1

TagsTags, my current favorite file system tagging solution, today was updated to version 1.1. This update includes drag-and-drop support for files and so forth onto the tag mode window (just invoke the window and drag away), a new tag manager with a number of useful options (including the ability to select which tags are your favorites), support for TaskPaper and NetNewsWire, an option to live without the flipping animation, an option to launch Tags at startup, and numerous bug fixes.

Unfortunately, the release notes don’t appear to be published anywhere online, but you can find them if you run the auto-update for the software (assuming you have it installed). If it’s not already on your computer, then now is as good a time as any to try it out.