Tag archive: update

Leopard, here we come

Although you are probably already aware, OS X 10.5 Leopard has gone on sale for preorder, and will be arriving Oct. 26th, as the countdown on Apple’s homepage makes abundantly clear.

I haven’t heard word yet what the changes to the metadata are like (the big question: will tagging system files be easier?), but hopefully the metadata will be more tag-friendly and we can get away from the ever-so-imperfect Spotlight comment. I will of course be posting more information as it comes available, and once my copy arrives I’ll try to suss out the metadata changes (if any) as soon as I can.

Notae update: 2.2.1

NotaeHot on the heels of the recent 2.2 update is Notae 2.2.1. This minor update addresses a small number of bugs that made it through into 2.2. For more information, see the 2.2.1 blog announcement.

The developer also wants to reinstate support for French and German localizations, and is looking for someone fluent in English and French or German who would be willing to translate the dozen or so strings that have been added since the program was last localized. If you are interested, feel free to jump over to the Code Poetry website and contact him.

KIT update: 1.3.10

KITKIT, a tag-based file library for the Mac, has been updated to 1.3.10. This minor version includes several bug fixes, including problems with web archives loading incorrectly and problems with dragging files to other applications.

For more details, see the release notes or the in-program auto-updating.

VoodooPad update: 3.2.2

VoodooPadVoodooPad, everyone’s favorite wiki-style idea repository, has been updated to version 3.2.2. This minor update is mainly made up of bug fixes for all three flavors of VoodooPad (lite, standard, and pro) without adding any new features. The update is available through VoodooPad’s in-program auto-updating, or you can always download the most recent copy from the website if for some reason you don’t like Sparkle.

For more information, please see the VoodooPad release notes.

PackRat update: 1.4

PackRatPackRat, the Mac offline frontend to BackPack, has been updated to 1.4. This version brings PackRat fully up to date with BackPack’s newest updates, and most importantly resolves synching issues that users were seeing in 1.3.x. It also adds the ability for PackRat to display various objects from BackPack (including dividers) in the proper order.

For more information, please see the 1.4 blog announcement.

Notae update: 2.2

NotaeNotae, the completely tag-based digital notebook, has been updated to version 2.2. New features in this version include the ability to set certain notes as templates to later insert them into other notes via contextual menu, more robust contextual menus, the ability to auto-save documents when they close, and partial tag name matching in the search field when searching either all fields or tags. Numerous bug fixes are included, as well.

Although it is not perfect for every situation, Notae is one of my favorite applications for collecting large quantities of notes (I use it to track the tagging software over on the software page, among other things) and its tagging implementation is one of the best you’ll find in Mac software. If you’re looking for a simple application to gather your random snippets of text in, definitely give Notae a look. For more information about the 2.2 release, see the changelog or the 2.2 release announcement.

Keyword Manager update: 1.3.2

Keyword ManagerKeyword Manager, the iPhoto tagging plugin, has been updated to 1.3.2. The only change to the software is that it now works with iPhoto 7.1.

Head over to the Bullstorm website to download the most recent version.

Upgrading to WordPress 2.3

Tagamac has been upgraded to WordPress 2.3, a release of the venerable open source blogging platform mostly notable for its inclusion of tagging. No longer shall bloggers be forced to suffer through Ultimate Tag Warrior’s bizarre installation and mountains of options. Tagging your blog posts is now officially supported.

Well, sort of. Unfortunately, WordPress 2.3 is very bare bones when it comes to tags. No auto-completion. No cloud underneath your editing window. You have to either remember all of your tags, or just go for broke with the random method. [read more...]

KIT update: 1.3.9

KITKIT, a friendly tag-based file library, has been updated to version 1.3.9. This minor release includes Growl 1.1 in the bundle and fixes several minor problems and Leopard compatibility issues.

For more information or to download the latest version, please see the KIT release notes.

VoodooPad update: 3.2.1

VoodooPadAlthough it isn’t strictly a tagging app, VoodooPad has been updated to version 3.2.1. VoodooPad is a Wiki-style notepad that recently began offering tag-style categories as one of its side features. This update includes a large number of bug fixes and feature improvements. Most notably from my point of view is new support for linking to email messages via MailTags’ message:// protocol.

Even if it isn’t very strong on tagging, VoodooPad is still one of my favorite applications for brainstorming and idea generation, and is definitely worth checking out if you haven’t previously. For more information about the 3.2.1 release, see the release notes.