Tag archive: update

Yep update: 1.6.6

Yep!Coming hot on the heels of Yep 1.6.5 is version 1.6.6. This minor update fixes a crash that occurred when moving documents to the Yep Documents folder and includes a couple other minor feature tweaks and fixes.

Unfortunately, the Yep developers do not provide release notes or a changelog outside of the automatic in-program update service, so for more details you’ll have to launch your current version of Yep or just download the newest version on faith.

EagleFiler update: 1.2.5

EagleFilerEagleFiler, the file library with excellent tag support, has been updated to 1.2.5. This minor update adds capture support for Cyndicate, the new kid on the block of RSS readers, along with some bug fixes and speed improvements.

For details, see the C-Command EagleFiler 1.2.5 update post.

Week in brief: Yep, iGTD, Keyword Manager, Pukka, and PackRat

Several apps received minor updates while I was away from the internet. Yep was bumped to 1.6.5 (including several bug fixes and performance tweaks), iGTD jumped to (several minor bug fixes), Keyword Manager received a larger update to 1.3 which brings compatibility with iPhoto ’08, Pukka version 1.6.1 added support for the free RSS feeder Vienna, and PackRat is now at version 1.3.2 (fixing a crash that some people were seeing).

For more details about the updates, or to download them, please use the links above (all except Yep have blogs or release notes).

Avenir update: 2.3.6

AvenirAvenir, Tagamac’s choice for fiction-writing tools, has been updated to 1.3.6. This minor update includes Growl notifications for .Mac backups and autosaves along with a smattering of behavior changes and bug fixes. You can download the update either within your current version of Avenir 2.3.x or by visiting the Avenir site.

For a full list of changes, see the 2.3.6 beta 1 and beta 2 posts.

PackRat update: 1.3.1

PackRatPackRat, a desktop client for 37signals’ Backpack service, just received a minor update to 1.3.1. This update includes several minor bug fixes and other slight changes to make the program easier to use. The developer also notes that thanks to an update to Backpack, there is a known bug with displaying images added since Backpack’s most recent update; however, the developer is trying to work with 37signals to solve the issue.

For more information, you can see the 1.3.1 blog post, or download it to view the release notes. In other news, things have been slow around the site recently because I’m working on Tagamac’s first review of a piece of software. I should have the article ready soon!

Pukka update: 1.6

PukkaPukka, a desktop del.icio.us client, was updated to version 1.6 today. New in this version is an optional status bar menu allowing quick access to all of your tags/accounts/bookmarks, Spotlight support for all fields of your bookmarks (URL, title, description, tags, etc.), and minor tweaks and fixes.

For more information, including screenshots, please see the Pukka 1.6 announcement.

Punakea update: 0.3.2

PunakeaPunakea has been updated to version 0.3.2. This minor update fixes a contextual menu bug and improves compatibility with Leopard.

You can find the full details in the release notes.

FileSpot update: 2.0b2

FileSpotIt’s a relatively busy day for Tagamac today; besides iGTD and iPhoto, FileSpot, the Spotlight searching utility that is a much-revamped version of MoRU (thanks to all the readers who pointed this out to me!), has been updated to beta 2. The second beta is a minor release that adds capabilities to the contextual menus, allows the user to set where they want smart folders to be saved, and fixes some bugs.

You can download the new beta via the FileSpot download page.

iGTD update:

iGTDiGTD, that most oft-updated of the apps I’m currently tracking, has received another minor update, bringing it up to This update includes improvements to the Quick Add window, multiple dock badges, support for the Vienna RSS reader, and numerous bug fixes.

For more information, please see the blog entry or the release notes.

iPhoto ’08 adds tagging

iPhotoWhoa, I am slow on the draw! It took the good people over at the Unofficial Apple Weblog to point out that iPhoto ’08 now has tagging (iPhoto calls it keywords).

Although I have yet to play around with it (I’m not a very avid iPhoto or Garageband user, so I didn’t run out to buy iLife ’08 as soon as it hit the shelves), the TUAW screenshots definitely look intriguing. It’s very gratifying that Apple has implemented basic tagging beyond their very basic keywords implementation of versions past, since this will allow users who aren’t comfortable with advanced tagging to still gain its benefits while others who need something a little more powerful will continue to use plugins like Keyword Manager or programs like Shoebox. If only there were a free trial or an upgrade path; I unfortunately do not have $80 lying around for software that I rarely use anyway.