Tag archive: update

Together update: 2.0.10

TogetherTogether was recently updated to version 2.0.10. This minor update adds spacing, links, lists, and tables to the text formatting menu; fixes a problem when searching for filenames that contained Unicode characters, and improves performance and memory usage when moving or trashing folders.

For more details and to download, see the Together release notes.

Default Folder X update: 4.0.4

Default Folder XDefault Folder X was updated to 4.0.4 yesterday. This minor update includes a number of different bug fixes, including a crash fix caused by entering accented characters in the Spotlight comments box. For more details and to download, see the Default Folder X release notes.

Aside from being an indispensable tool for file system tagging solutions that use Spotlight comments, Default Folder X is a great all-around enhancement to the file system’s save and open dialogs. This is one of those pieces of software that became an irreplaceable part of my workflow as soon as I launched it; I highly recommend it.

EagleFiler update: 1.3.1

EagleFilerEagleFiler, my favorite file library, has been updated to version 1.3.1. This minor version brings a number of bug fixes and improvements, including the ability to use the @ character in tag names, searching for partial tag names when searching for multiple parameters, and a fix for a problem where writing out tags to Spotlight comments wasn’t working.

There’s a slew of other fixes and so forth, as well, so take a look at the 1.3.1 blog announcement if you’re interested.

MarsEdit update: 2.1.3

MarsEditMarsEdit, the excellent blogging desktop client, has been updated to version 2.1.3. This minor version increase brings better draft status detection to the recently released WordPress 2.5 and Blogger, adds support for viewing a post’s tags in the preview template, ceases to escape characters in URLs inserted via macros, and includes a number of other minor fixes.

For details, see the MarsEdit 2.1.3 blog announcement. I highly recommend MarsEdit; as long as you’re comfortable with basic HTML, it vastly reduces the effort necessary to keep a blog up to date and the developer is very responsive and friendly.

Default Folder X update: 4.0.3

Default Folder XI’m a bit behind on the times, but last week Default Folder X was updated to version 4.0.3. This minor update fixes a memory issue in Carbon applications, adds contextual menus to Open and Save dialogs, and includes numerous other minor bug fixes. Definitely worth a download for Default Folder X users, but not much exciting or new to tempt new folks over.

For more information, see the Default Folder X release notes.

Leap on sale this weekend only, minor update

LeapThis is not a sale to miss! For the weekend of March 29th and 30th, 2008 only Leap is on sale for 50% off its list price from MacZot (ends up being about $30), and since its price is the main downside for the software I strongly recommend you check it out.

Despite my first impressions, Leap is the most exciting file system tagging app on the market and provides a great way for new users to get into tags (since it uses current folder hierarchies to supplement your tags). I’ve posted a bit more of an in-depth look at the strengths of Leap in the MacZot comments if you need more convincing. Incidentally, Leap was also updated to version 1.0.4 yesterday, but the update didn’t add much (just a couple of bug fixes).

Leap update: 1.0.3

LeapLeap, currently the most likely piece of software to entice me into file system tagging, was just updated to version 1.0.3. This minor version increase includes better memory handling for some searches (particularly “Go Deep” searches), support for the new Office 2008 file types, the ability to create folders by right clicking in the Locations panel, and a number of small bug fixes and UI improvements.

For more information, see the release notes in the program’s auto-updating, or download it for the first time from the Leap homepage.

MailTags 2.2 released

MailTagsAt long last MailTags 2.2 has emerged out of beta and is ready for general consumption. MailTags 2.2 is Leopard-only, free for all registered 2.x users, and offers significant improvements over 2.1, including new support for tagging RSS feeds in Mail, tagging Mail notes, and a new extensible architecture under the hood that should allow either Indev or third parties to extend MailTags’ functionality in interesting ways.

If you’ve never tried MailTags, I highly recommend it. MailTags is one of those rare programs that can become an irreplaceable part of your workflow during its trial period, and is not to be missed for anyone for whom email is a central part of their productive workday. For more details about the 2.2 release in general, see the MailTags homepage, the general release notes, or the detailed release notes.

Code Collector Pro update: 1.2.1

Code Collector ProCode Collector Pro received a minor update to version 1.2.1 at the end of last week. This minor version increase fixed a problem where snippets that weren’t set to be shared were posted on CodeCollector.net along with a couple of other bug fixes and a new “Add snippet from clipboard” toolbar button.

For more information, see the 1.2.1 blog announcement or the release notes.

Yep update: 1.7.7

Yep!Yep, the file library for people with huge collections of PDFs, was updated yesterday to version 1.7.7. This minor update includes better Leap – Yep integration, a memory problem on Leopard when scrolling through large thumbnails, new backward and forward keys (‘[' and ']‘ respectively), a new “interleave” feature when combining PDFs, and “a few other fixes” (according to MacUpdate).

To download the latest version, you can use Yep’s auto-updating or download it from the Yep website.