Tag archive: 10.5
The MailTags 2.2 beta for Leopard has been updated to public beta 4. This release removes Gmail IMAP tagging support (tags on Gmail IMAP messages will only be stored locally) because of Gmail’s nonstandard IMAP implementation, adds red tags back for tags which are not synched to IMAP accounts, and features a number of other improvements and interface tweaks.
For more information and to download, see the MailTags for Leopard page. As always, keep in mind that this is beta software and will not run on OS 10.4.
tagged: 10.5,beta,miscellaneous,update
[Jan. 22nd, 2008] [Software updates]
The third public beta for MailTags 2.2 has been released, bringing the venerable Mail.app plugin ever closer to a Leopard release. This version of the beta is much more feature-complete than past versions and is well worth upgrading to if you’re running Leopard. It also provides a new, modular approach to some of MailTags’ features (notably calendar and event handling). The developer expects to release the full version around the middle of January after squashing any outstanding bugs in this beta.
For more information and to download the update, visit the MailTags for Leopard beta page.
tagged: 10.5,beta,miscellaneous,shareware,update
[Jan. 3rd, 2008] [Software updates]
Together, one of the top three tag-based file libraries for Mac (unfortunately 10.5-only), has been updated to version 2.0.4. This minor update includes better performance when working with tags in the tag browser, case-sensitive tag renaming, the ability to hide an item’s extension via contextual menu, improved performance for displaying icons (particularly on single-CPU machines), and a number of bug fixes.
For more details, see the release notes. Additionally, the developer has launched a support forum for Together (and his other piece of software, Feeder). Email support will still be available, but if you’d like to seek help from other users, the support forum is an excellent place to find it.
tagged: 10.5,file library,shareware,update
[Jan. 2nd, 2008] [Software updates]
FileSpot, the Spotlight utility that I so loved, has been updated to version 2.1. This update adds Quick Look support, fixes a date-constraint editing problem under Leopard, and shows search results as they are being built instead of waiting until the end.
For the most recent release notes or to download the new version, visit the FileSpot download page.
tagged: 10.5,shareware,spotlight,update
[Dec. 28th, 2007] [Software updates]
Quick Tag, a tagging utility for iTunes, has been updated to version .6. While still beta, this update adds Leopard compatibility, a new icon, improved tagging speed and performance, a new tag cloud window, advanced control over tag delimiters, and a number of bug fixes.
For details about the .6 release, visit the blog announcement. To download, visit the Quick Tag page. For help with using Quick Tag, see the Quick Tag quick help.
tagged: 10.5,beta,freeware,miscellaneous,update
[Dec. 28th, 2007] [Software updates]
Pukka, a Mac del.icio.us client, has been updated to version 1.6.6. This minor update finally quashes the last of the Leopard stability bugs that have plagued Pukka, so it’s a must-have if you’ve been experiencing crashes under Leopard. Tiger users may as well just grab it when the auto-update notices it.
For more information, see the 1.6.6 announcement, or the more informative 1.6.6 beta announcement.
tagged: 10.5,bookmarks,shareware,update
[Dec. 20th, 2007] [Software updates]
St. Clair Software released Default Folder X 4 today, the next incarnation of the venerable Mac utility. Default Folder X has enhanced the default Mac open and save windows for years, and version 4 is another solid step forward, poviding a new HUD-style interface, support for Quicklook in Open dialogs, Leopard improvements, support for TagBot, improvements to Spotlight comment auto-completion, and much more. Default Folder X is a great utility for anyone who wants a better workflow when saving and opening files, and is an indispensable tool for people rolling their own tagging solution because it allows you to edit a file’s Spotlight comments while you are saving it.
Given the number of excellent enhancements in version 4, Default Folder X is definitely worth checking out. For those who purchased Default Folder X after June 1, 2007, version 4 is a free upgrade. For everyone else it costs $34.95 new or $14.95 upgrade (and for those true old-skoolers who used the Classic version of Default Folder, you can snag it for $19.95). If you’d like to see the full list of changes and improvements, see the Default Folder X Change History.
tagged: 10.5,file system,release,shareware
[Dec. 13th, 2007] [Software updates]
Together has been updated to version 2.0.3. This minor update includes improved performance when using tags, importing, or searching; Finder-style sequential number sorting (so that you don’t need leading zeroes to sort sequentially numbered files by name); and many more bug fixes and minor improvements. Definitely worth a download, and if you’re looking to buy it (and a bunch of other apps) at a discount, Give Good Food to Your Mac has been extended until Saturday Dec. 15, 2007.
For the numerous other details about the update, head over to the official release notes.
tagged: 10.5,file library,shareware,update
[Dec. 10th, 2007] [Software updates]
Scrivener, the poster child of Mac writing apps, has been updated to version 1.11. This maintenance update includes a large number of bug fixes, including numerous Leopard fixes, word count oddities, issues with upgrading pre-1.1 documents to 1.1, problems with tables, and many, many more. Widow/orphan control has also been completely removed from the program because it was causing too many difficult to quash bugs (and is fairly silly in a program that doesn’t offer page layout).
For the full story, check out the Scrivener release notes.
tagged: 10.5,shareware,update,writing
[Dec. 8th, 2007] [Software updates]
Yojimbo, the super-simple file library from Bare Bones Software that excels at synchronization, has been updated to version 1.5. The biggest addition to Yojimbo is support for images; you can now toss your photos and so forth into Yojimbo and tag away. (A note from Bare Bones: “Please do not try to replace iPhoto, Aperture, or Lightroom with Yojimbo: You’ll make us cry.”) Yojimbo’s tags are also now searchable via Spotlight, searching and filtering has been greatly improved, and numerous Leopard bugs have been squashed (including problems with the Drop Dock in Spaces).
In a day with a number of point releases and bug fixes to tagging software already, this one definitely stands out. Yojimbo 1.5 is a worthy update to one of the three best file libraries available, and well worth downloading (it’ll be the last version you have to download yourself, since it now has auto-updating available). If you’d like more details about the update, see the Yojimbo release notes. The update is free to all registered users, and a normal individual license for Yojimbo costs $39.
tagged: 10.5,file library,shareware,update
[Dec. 5th, 2007] [Software updates]