Tag archive: file library

EagleFiler update: 1.4

EagleFilerThis one deserves its own post: EagleFiler has been updated to version 1.4. This free update includes a tag cloud window, the ability to search within individual PDFs or web archives, preferences for importing Spotlight comments, the ability to display Word 2007 docs (.docx) and OpenDocument Text (.odt) under 10.5, the ability to capture from several third-party email clients and competitor Together, a slew of other improvements and fixes, and finally (drum roll, please)…custom smart folders! At long last, EagleFiler supports smart folders, and boy was it worth the wait. Smart folders in EagleFiler 1.4 can be organized into other folders, include an arbitrary number of conditions optionally nested within Any/All/None criteria, and best of all you can attach “actions” to smart folders. For example, if you have a smart folder that searches for all items with the tags “task, today” a normal action allows you to drop a document on the smart folder and have those tags added to it automatically. The only big downside of smart folders is that you can only create and edit them if you’re running 10.5. They will be usable under 10.4, but you won’t be able to modify them.

Despite its unprepossessing version number, EagleFiler 1.4 is a big and worthwhile update to an already fantastic product. For a full run-down of the many changes and additions in version 1.4, take a look at the release notes. If you have never given EagleFiler a try, now would be an excellent time to give it a whirl.

Together updated: 2.1.7

TogetherTogether has been updated to version 2.1.7. This minor update includes a number of bug fixes, but no new features. Changes include performance improvements for checking for external file changes, allowing shortcut keys to be set to F-keys without modifiers, making sure Together search works after switching libraries, preventing file imports from failing when the folder being imported needs to be renamed, and more.

For full details or to download, check out the release notes.

Recent updates for mid-August 2008

Thanks to attending An Event Apart I’ve been in San Francisco the past few days and have fallen slightly behind on updates. There have been three minor updates in the somewhat recent past: Default Folder X is now at version 4.0.8 (some minor bug fixes), Together bumped to 2.1.6 (also minor bug fixes), and Pukka 1.7 was released (minor feature improvements to improve compatibility with the new Delicious).

For more information about the updates see the Default Folder X release notes, Together release notes, or Pukka 1.7 announcement.

Two minor updates: Yep 1.8 and Nifty Box 1.2.1

Yep!Both Yep and Nifty Box received very minor updates late last week. Yep 1.8 adds Italian localization and resets the trial period (even if you’ve run through your free trial before you can try it again). Nifty Box 1.2.1 fixes a bug in 1.2 that would sometimes cause Nifty Box to use 100% CPU on Leopard.

Neither software offers release notes, although if you’re interested in details about the Nifty Box bug you can find those in the 1.2.1 blog announcement.

EagleFiler update: 1.3.6 – 1.3.8

EagleFilerEagleFiler recently underwent several updates in quick succession recently. 1.3.6 improves memory usage and speed when using Capture with Options, fixes some small memory leaks, improved the French localization, and included a number of other small fixes. 1.3.7 fixed a faulty bugfix in 1.3.6 that was causing memory leaks and crashes. 1.3.8 fixes a regression that was keeping Firefox from working.

For more details on 1.3.6 (the only release with much going on), see the blog announcement.

Recent updates: mid June

TogetherI got a little behind again last week and let a couple updates go by, but here they are: Code Collector Pro, the tag-based snippets manager, has been updated to 1.2.4, a minor update of mainly bug fixes (see the blog announcement or change log for more). Together was updated to 2.1.5, bringing some changes to Shelf behavior along with several minor bug fixes and small improvements (see the release notes for full details). PackRat, the desktop front-end for 37signals’ Backpack, was updated to version 1.6.2 which brings some fixes to images and attachments (see the blog announcement for info).

Cha-ChingAlong with those minor updates, Cha-Ching 2.0 has been released as an early public beta. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it will be interesting to see if the second version is able to fix some of the many issues that marred the first. Cha-Ching is one of those applications that I want to love, but have trouble using regularly because it just isn’t quite perfected yet.

EagleFiler update: 1.3.5

EagleFilerEagleFiler, my long-time favorite file library, has been updated to version 1.3.5. This minor version includes a large number of bug fixes and optimizations, but not any new features per se. Among others are improvements to the Capture with Options window, improvements to how EagleFiler handles and imports mailboxes, and more.

For a detailed list, see the release notes. Definitely a good version to download for current owners of EagleFiler, but there isn’t really anything new to see here otherwise.

Together update: 2.1.4

TogetherLate last week Reinvented Software updated Together to version 2.1.4. This minor version increase fixes an Applescript problem that could cause Together to hang or crash, now has files with the .aac extension imported as sounds (instead of movies), and fixes a number of other bugs.

For more details and to download, see the release notes.

Together update: 2.1.3

TogetherTogether, a file library whose recent 2.1 update makes it one of the most compelling choices for tag-happy users, was updated today to version 2.1.3. This minor update includes a number of bug fixes, including fixes for a crash that occurred when indexing in the background, preventative measures when trying to link to the same file twice, and a problem where PDF attachments were not displayed in Quick Look previews. the Yojimbo Importer also received a minor update, including the option to choose what kinds of Yojimbo items to import.

For more details or to download, see the Together release notes.

Updates in early June

Needless to say, I’ve been a bit remiss in my blog updating the past couple weeks. A four-day weekend spent in the mountains with my girlfriend and new Kindle (and no internet or cell phone access) has had a surprisingly lasting effect on my online habits. I hadn’t realized how much effort I was spending on keeping up to date with the interwebs until I took some time off.

In any case, some great software has received incremental updates in the recent past. Together was updated to version 2.1.2 (release notes), EagleFiler was bumped to 1.3.4 (release notes), Leap is now sitting at 1.0.6 (an update that includes Time Machine support, Danish support, and a couple bug/crash fixes), and Default Folder X is now at 4.0.6 (release notes). Enjoy.