Tag archive: file library

EagleFiler update: 1.3.3

EagleFilerEagleFiler has been updated to version 1.3.3, a minor update that fixes a wide range of bugs and includes some slightly changed functionality for the capturing with options window, new placeholder text in the tags bar to make it more obvious you can edit it, the ability to capture from Opera, and a large number of other minor tweaks and changes.

For more information or to download, see the 1.3.3 release notes.

Together update: 2.1

TogetherTogether, one of my favorite file libraries (along with EagleFiler and Yojimbo), today received a big update to version 2.1. I can’t wait to give Together 2.1 a spin, as some of its new features are extremely exciting: .Mac syncing, the ability to target specific groups with smart groups (including other smart groups), “group tags” so that when you add an item to a group the tags associated with it are applied to the item automatically, a global hot key for importing, the ability to completely hide the shelf (until you mouse over that part of the screen), two-way syncing for Spotlight comment tags, and automatic importing anything moved into Together’s folders in the Finder.

And that’s just a few of my favorite new features; version 2.1 has a slew of other enhancements available, as well (see the short version or the full release notes for more info). Together was already a great application, but with its improved organization, syncing, and Finder integration, Together 2.1 is a serious competitor with both Yojimbo and EagleFiler (rather than an alternative with different strengths, as I’ve characterized it in the past). With this version also comes a downloadable importer to migrate your Yojimbo database into Together. If you haven’t tried Together yet, I highly recommend you take a peek at the improvements offered in version 2.1. It will be well worth your while.

EagleFiler update: 1.3.2

EagleFilerAck, am I behind on the times. EagleFiler was recently updated to version 1.3.2. This minor update includes faster indexed searches when there’s lots of results found, better behavior in the “capture with options” window’s title and from fields, and numerous small bug fixes (including a couple 10.5-only problems).

For more information, see the EagleFiler 1.3.2 announcement. No new features it looks like; just a worthwhile bug fix update.

Together update: 2.0.10

TogetherTogether was recently updated to version 2.0.10. This minor update adds spacing, links, lists, and tables to the text formatting menu; fixes a problem when searching for filenames that contained Unicode characters, and improves performance and memory usage when moving or trashing folders.

For more details and to download, see the Together release notes.

EagleFiler update: 1.3.1

EagleFilerEagleFiler, my favorite file library, has been updated to version 1.3.1. This minor version brings a number of bug fixes and improvements, including the ability to use the @ character in tag names, searching for partial tag names when searching for multiple parameters, and a fix for a problem where writing out tags to Spotlight comments wasn’t working.

There’s a slew of other fixes and so forth, as well, so take a look at the 1.3.1 blog announcement if you’re interested.

Yojimbo Tag Cleanup

For those Yojimbo users out there, you may be interested to hear that Steven Huey just released Yojimbo Tag Cleanup, a simple application (essentially a collection of Applescript commands and command-line searches with a GUI) intended to help you locate the tags in Yojimbo that you are no longer using. It’s all too easy with tagging software to lose track of which tags are useful citizens and which are cruft that has hung around past its prime. With the artfully named Yojimbo Tag Cleanup, finding abandoned tags in Yojimbo should be much simpler.

On a somewhat related tangent, one of the features that I would love to see in tagging software would be simple statistics tracking. When using tags, the most useful information you can have is how much attention you give to a certain tag. How often you’ve used it versus how often you’ve browsed or searched for it, for instance. Being able to see explicitly what attention you give tags can make optimizing a tagging system extremely easy and save you a lot of unnecessary tagging that you may do out of habit. Yojimbo Tag Cleanup is a simple step in the right direction in this regard; it’s a shame that there aren’t any easy ways for third parties to help you identify other aspects of your tagging habits.

Yep update: 1.7.7

Yep!Yep, the file library for people with huge collections of PDFs, was updated yesterday to version 1.7.7. This minor update includes better Leap – Yep integration, a memory problem on Leopard when scrolling through large thumbnails, new backward and forward keys (‘[' and ']‘ respectively), a new “interleave” feature when combining PDFs, and “a few other fixes” (according to MacUpdate).

To download the latest version, you can use Yep’s auto-updating or download it from the Yep website.

EagleFiler update: 1.3

EagleFilerEagleFiler, my personal favorite file library, has been updated to version 1.3. This is a pretty hefty update with a slew of bug fixes and minor new features. Some highlights: you can now “capture with options”, allowing you to set a variety of metadata when you capture something (instead of forcing you to go back over everything after the fact); Quick Look is now used to display files that EagleFiler doesn’t understand (in OS 10.5 only, of course); an Untagged folder has been added to the Source List (hallelujah!); EagleFiler can now capture from Address Book, Flock, Pages, OmniGraffle, and others (and has improved capture in several applications); and a bunch of other stuff like improved speed/efficiency, less RAM use for large libraries, better Applescript, more frequent checks on the To Import folder, and much, much more.

For the full release notes and a direct link to the download, see the EagleFiler 1.3 blog announcement. This is definitely a worthy version bump to an application that’s already great, and I highly recommend downloading it soon if you’re using EagleFiler.

Together update: 2.0.8

TogetherTogether, the file library formerly known as K.I.T., has been updated to version 2.0.8. This minor update includes the option to automatically launch Together at login coupled with the option to hide Together’s library window on launch, improved performance in numerous areas, and a number of helpful bug fixes and minor UI enhancements. If you find yourself running Together constantly in the background so that you can collect your info and notes in one place, this is a good update to download.

For the full story, see the Together release notes. As always, Together is OS 10.5-only.

Yep update: 1.7.6

Yep!Yep, the PDF tagging file library from the makers of Leap, has been updated to version 1.7.6 today. This minor update fixes a Leopard TWAIN bug, a problem where Yep would sometimes stop saving tags if Leap was installed, and a number of other small fixes. Additionally, the trial period has been reset, so if you’ve used up your trial and want to give Yep another go, you’re in luck!

As is common for Ironic Software, there are no release notes available unless you download the program or auto-update, although some details are available via MacUpdate. Yep is $34, or $10 when purchased with Leap (for a total cost of $69).