Tag archive: shareware

Pukka update: 1.6.3

PukkaPukka, a del.icio.us client, has been updated to 1.6.3. This minor update fixes bugs under Tiger and Leopard, including a hang and potential crash. Unless you’re experiencing a lot of hanging and crashing, you’ll probably be safe updating via the auto-update feature the next time you launch Pukka.

To hear it from the horse’s mouth, see the 1.6.3 blog announcement.

PackRat update: 1.5

PackRatPackRat, an application that allows you to use your Backpack offline and/or outside your web browser, has been updated to 1.5. This update brings bug fixes for Leopard (what release in the past few days hasn’t?), and more importantly adds back the ability to reorder your list items. It also introduces the ability to add an item at a specific point as a stop-gap until the developer is able to implement general item reordering. And last, you can now edit and remove dividers.

For more information, please see the PackRat 1.5 blog announcement.

TaskPaper on sale today only

TaskPaperIf it wasn’t enough that it’s currently released at an intro price, TaskPaper is on sale November 1, 2007 only at the MacUpdate Promo. If you enjoy managing your to-dos without all the cruft that shows up in so many GTD-based software, TaskPaper may well be the perfect solution for you. I’ve been using it while I waited for iGTD to get updated, and I’m not sure if I’ll go back. TaskPaper is that cool.

For more information, and to download the demo, head over to the MacUpdate Promo page.

iGTD update: Leopard fix #2

iGTDiGTD has received a minor pick-me-up today. If you’re running Leopard, then pick it up over at the iGTD downloads page. This minor update provides the ability to link to specific Mail.app messages whether or not you have MailTags installed and fixes a pair of bugs that affected editing tasks.

For more information, see the blog announcement.

Avenir update: 2.3.7

AvenirAvenir, Tagamac’s choice for writing software, has been updated to 2.3.7. This point release fixes a bug with annotations and brings full support for Leopard. Leopard introduced a bug in how Avenir dealt with tags that prevented projects with tags in them from opening, which has fortunately been fixed.

Although the update is not currently showing up in the program’s auto-update, if you’re running Leopard you should grab it from the Avenir forums.

iGTD update: (Leopard only)

iGTDiGTD, a powerful GTD task manager with tagging support, has been updated to This minor update is intended for users of Mac OS 10.5 Leopard only, and mainly re-implements adding tasks to iGTD via the function keys for most major programs. iCal synching is still unavailable.

Although iGTD will eventually be merged back into a single application that is compatible with both Tiger and Leopard, the developer wished to get the fix out as soon as possible. For more details, please see the announcement.

Leopard update for TagBot yet to come

Big Robot Software has posted a notice that while TagBot is mostly compatible with Leopard, showing tagged files does not yet function. If you’ve upgraded to Leopard, you’ll still be able to use TagBot to apply and import tags, but until Big Robot is able to release a full bug fix, double clicking a tag in the list will be pretty pointless.

They point out that the incompatibility has no harmful side effects, so you can continue to use TagBot with impunity; you’ll just need to browse your tags some other way (for instance, through the much speedier Spotlight).

Pukka update: 1.6.2

PukkaPukka, a desktop del.icio.us client, has been updated to 1.6.2. This minor update brings full compatibility with OS 10.5 (with the caveat that developers weren’t given the Gold Master, so there may be one or two more bugs to quash) and some minor bug fixes.

For details, please see the 1.6.2 blog announcement.

EagleFiler update: 1.2.6

EagleFilerIf you weren’t already having a good day, then here’s some news to cheer you up: EagleFiler, the Finder-friendly file library, has been updated to 1.2.6. This update brings a slew of bug fixes and cosmetic enhancements including an updated Leopard-style source list, capturing from MarsEdit, scripts for capturing via LaunchBar or Quicksilver, French and German localizations, and improved import speed. This definitely looks like a great update to install, although keep in mind that once you’ve opened an EagleFiler library in 1.2.6 it will not open in previous versions (the files will still be accessible from the Finder, of course).

For more information, please see the 1.2.6 blog announcement.

TaskPaper released

TaskPaperTaskPaper, a very slimmed-down text-based “getting things done” style task manager, was released yesterday for the introductory price of $18.95 (with a 15 day trial). TaskPaper cuts task management down to the bare essentials: projects, tasks, and tags, and may be the perfect solution if you are not interested in the feature-rich offerings of applications such as iGTD or the forthcoming OmniFocus or Things. I highly recommend you check this program out; it’s an ingeniously simple take on task management.

Off-topic, apologies for the lack of updates recently; I moved into a new apartment Monday, and was only able to get the internet hooked up Tuesday (making me wish that I, too, had a hammer and knew how to use it).