Tag archive: developer

iGTD and Things join forces, Things 1.2 released

ThingsWith the release yesterday of Things 1.2, Cultured Code announced an exciting new addition to their company: Bartek Bargiel, the creator of the venerable program iGTD. Before the Things public beta, I was a user of iGTD, for although I despised its interface I could not resist its sheer power. Sadly, shortly after the release of OmniFocus and Things iGTD faded into abandonware as Bartek evidently lacked the time to bring the fabled iGTD 2 to fruition.

Now Bartek is the newest employee at Cultured Code and we’re already seeing the benefits with Things 1.2. Aside from even better keyboard navigation support, Things 1.2′s greatest improvement is the inclusion of Quick Entry Autofill, previously known in iGTD as the “F-key trick”. By using Quick Entry Autofill instead of the standard autofill shortcut, you can have your task autopopulated with the selected text and—if possible—a link back to the source when you invoke it from just about anywhere on the Mac. Also included are LaunchBar and Quicksilver plugins to allow easy, text-based creation of tasks for those who prefer that method. Things 1.2 also adds Spotlight compatibility, so you can search your tasks from anywhere. Read more about 1.2′s featureset. [read more...]

Talking about Leap

Tagamac is launching a new section of the site! Called “Mac tagging”, this section will house articles and more focused on tagging specifically in Mac OS X with desktop software (as opposed to the articles about general tagging principles in the General section or newsbites about software updates).

Leap To kick things off, I’ve got a special treat for you: an interview with Tom Andersen, one of the two developers of Leap, a new application for tagging your file system. I don’t generally go in for interviews, but the recently released Leap public beta made me pretty curious and I decided to head to the source. Tom reveals where Leap is heading before the final 1.0 release, explains why you need to ditch your complex Finder hierarchies, and describes why Cover Flow in Leopard is not actually your friend. [read more...]

Big Robot Software: back in business

Due to technical difficulties with their web server, Big Robot Software (makers of TagBot) has been unavailable for several days. If you’ve had trouble reaching the Big Robot by email or the web, you should now be able to access their website. If you’ve had any trouble with licensing or otherwise reaching them, you should now be able to get help via their support email: support_bot obfuscate@bigrobotsoftware.com.