Tag archive: special deal

Yep update: 1.7

Yep!Yep, the PDF file library from Ironic Software, has been updated to version 1.7. This version brings full Leap integration (the two programs now recognize changes made in each other), along with numerous fixes and speed improvements. Additionally, German and Chinese localizations have been added to the program for our international friends.

There are no release notes available. Additionally, Yep is on sale as part of the MacUpdate Promo bundle that is running from December 3 – 11, 2007. The bundle potentially features 10 different apps (if the sales are high enough), so if you didn’t spend enough money on MacSanta and Give Good Food to Your Mac head over and check it out.

EagleFiler at MacSanta

EagleFilerEagleFiler (and a bunch of other cool, non-tagging apps like SpamSieve and more) is available from MacSanta today December 2, 2007 only for 20% off. Although it will only be a featured deal today, if you miss it you’ll be able to pick it up for 10% off through the end of the MacSanta promotion (December 24th).

The MacSanta sale is definitely a good one to keep your eye on (because you don’t have enough places to spend money in December as is), and they provide an RSS feed for those who like to keep abreast of the latest featured deals.

Win yourself a Lost Dog

Lost Dog by Bill CameronThis is completely off-topic, but I like a good read even more than I like a well-implemented file library (I know, it’s pretty crazy). Bill Cameron, a fellow Avenir user, is giving away five copies of his suspense novel, Lost Dog, in the Give a Dog a Home sweepstakes. Lost Dog is a great read; I’m not a big fan of suspense thrillers or crime/mystery novels (I picked it up because I knew Bill from the Avenir forums), but it was a single-sitting read for me and kept me up way past when I should have gone to bed. Definitely a worthwhile way to spend an evening. Or two, if you’re less obsessed than I.

So take a break from tagging those pesky files, head over to Bill’s website, suggest a name for his lost dog, and win yourself a great novel. Or lose and buy it anyway. Whatever works for you. And with that minor endorsement out of the way, I’ll see if I can’t write something pithy about tagging next.

yFlicks 3.0 released and on sale today only

yFlicksMany Tricks has released yFlicks 3.0, a movie manager that helps you collect, manage, and watch anything from movies around your Mac to movies off YouTube. yFlicks 2 was alright, but 3 adds “tagging” (which is actually just standard key-value metadata, so it’s not actually tagging), smart groups, automatic metadata assignment via Amazon for full-length movies (including downloading cover images), batch renaming, and many other performance improvements a neat little features. Although the tagging is not what I’d hoped, this is still definitely a worthy piece of software to look into if you would like to enjoy YouTube videos and so forth later without having to engage in fruitless YouTube searches.

Additionally, yFlicks 3 is available today, November 20th, 2007 only for 40% off ($14.95) from MacUpdate Promo. I highly recommend giving yFlicks a spin and considering getting it at the sale price; I’ve enjoyed yFlicks 2, and expect yFlicks 3 to be even more useful. yFlicks 3 is a free upgrade for previously registered users.

OmniFocus public beta and pre-release sale

OmniFocusThis actually has nothing to do with tagging, but since people who like tags and people who like task management often tend to congregate these days, I figured I’d post it. Omni has released a public beta for OmniFocus and is offering it for half the eventual sale price through their online store as a special pre-release sale (introductory price $39.95, regular price will be $79.95; OmniOutliner Pro owners get an additional 25% off).

I can only imagine the conversation at Omni: “Damn it, this project has been sapping our resources with no return for far too long.” “Hey, how about a Christmas bonus? I wanna buy a pony.” “Oh fine, we’ll sell a promise for less than the real thing and you can have your freaking pony.” In any case, while I’m currently hoping that Things will provide my GTD fix, OmniFocus is clearly going to be a standard-setting GTD application and is well worth checking out.

TaskPaper on sale today only

TaskPaperIf it wasn’t enough that it’s currently released at an intro price, TaskPaper is on sale November 1, 2007 only at the MacUpdate Promo. If you enjoy managing your to-dos without all the cruft that shows up in so many GTD-based software, TaskPaper may well be the perfect solution for you. I’ve been using it while I waited for iGTD to get updated, and I’m not sure if I’ll go back. TaskPaper is that cool.

For more information, and to download the demo, head over to the MacUpdate Promo page.

MailTags on sale today only!

MailTagsIf it is still October 18, 2007 and you don’t already own MailTags, then quit reading this stupid blog post and go buy MailTags for 33% off at MacZot now. MailTags is one of the very few pieces of Mac software, tagging or otherwise, that I recommend without reservations to everyone. If you use Mail.app and want to lead anything like a productive life, then you need MailTags.

Purchasing it now not only gives you access to what I’ve called the One True Tagging Tool on the Mac, but also a free upgrade to the Leopard-ready version when it’s released. Don’t miss this one.

1Passwd on sale today only

1PasswdI know that it’s Totally Lame that I haven’t written a significant article in a long while for Tagamac and now I’m giving you an off-topic, but work has been heinous and updates to tagging software slow. ‘Nuff said; on to the news: 1Passwd, an amazingly useful program that keeps track of your passwords for you, is on sale today, October 11th, 2007 for 33% off over at the MacUpdate Promo.

Although it has absolutely nothing to do with tagging, I strongly recommend 1Passwd for anyone who uses the internet with a Mac. The developers are working on some pretty awesome stuff for the upcoming updates, too, so now would be a great time to buy it on the cheap.

FileSpot on sale today only

FileSpotAlthough I didn’t know a big sale was coming when I wrote it, I reviewed FileSpot three days ago and now it’s on sale today, September 19th, 2007 for 40% off at the MacUpdate Promo.

FileSpot is a fantastic program that I highly recommend for everyone, and you can’t beat today’s price. Check out my review if you want the full scoop, or download the program for yourself and marvel at how easy it makes using Spotlight.

LaunchBar on sale today only

LaunchBarAlthough this has nothing to do with tagging and I hate the fact that I keep posting irrelevant links, this really is too good to pass up. LaunchBar is on sale today, September 10, 2007 for 50% off. This deal is available through MacZot.

To be honest, LaunchBar is such amazingly good software that I’d advise buying it for the full price from the developer. However, if you need a great sale to convince you, then head over MacZot. I switched from Quicksilver to LaunchBar a month or two ago, and I haven’t looked back. LaunchBar has been far more stable, well-supported, and easy-to-use than Quicksilver ever was. Ironically, of course, it doesn’t have anywhere near the easy access to file system tagging that Quicksilver provides, but there you go. I love tagging, but I’ll take superior software over software with tagging any day.