EagleFiler, the file library with excellent tag support, has been updated to 1.2.5. This minor update adds capture support for Cyndicate, the new kid on the block of RSS readers, along with some bug fixes and speed improvements.
For details, see the C-Command EagleFiler 1.2.5 update post.
tagged: file library,shareware,update
[Aug. 21st, 2007] [Software updates]
I suppose I’ve put off talking about the actual tools you’ll use for tagging long enough. It’s time to do a run-down of the available tagging software with some advice from your’s truly on whether it’s worth using or not.
This series will focus on the different areas where you might be tagging: productivity (read: miscellaneous), file libraries and the file system, photos, bookmarks, and general writing. These articles will not contain specific workflow examples, however; I’m just pointing out the tools you can use. I’ll get to how best to actually use them later. [read more...]
tagged: advice,links
[Aug. 21st, 2007] [General]
Several apps received minor updates while I was away from the internet. Yep was bumped to 1.6.5 (including several bug fixes and performance tweaks), iGTD jumped to (several minor bug fixes), Keyword Manager received a larger update to 1.3 which brings compatibility with iPhoto ’08, Pukka version 1.6.1 added support for the free RSS feeder Vienna, and PackRat is now at version 1.3.2 (fixing a crash that some people were seeing).
For more details about the updates, or to download them, please use the links above (all except Yep have blogs or release notes).
tagged: bookmarks,file library,gtd,online,photos,shareware,update
[Aug. 19th, 2007] [Software updates]
Tagging as a popular phenomenon was developed online, where many tagging systems feature tags created by the members of a site. Thanks to this phenomenon, a lot of the intellectual thought about tagging centers around “folksonomies” and other ideas of collaborative tagging.
However, there are actually three distinct realms of tagging, and each requires you think about tagging in a slightly different way: private, public, and collaborative. [read more...]
tagged: definition,tagging
[Aug. 17th, 2007] [General]
Like tagging, but uninterested in Mac software updates? Like software updates, but hate my opinions/advice on tagging? Only interested in software reviews? We’ve got you covered!
Tagamac offers custom feeds for every section of the site, allowing you to subscribe only to what you want to read. You can choose your preferred subscription from our RSS info page, or use the following links to subscribe to the main sections that were available at the time of this writing. [read more...]
tagged: info,syndication,tagamac
[Aug. 15th, 2007] [Site news]
Unfortunately, I’m going to be somewhere without internet access, likely for the rest of this week. Youch! God/fate/whatever willing, I shall survive such deprivation.
However, that also means that I won’t be able to update Tagamac for the next week, and will be horribly remiss if you contact me. I’ve scheduled a couple articles to auto-post, though, so hopefully you won’t be too bereft. I’ll be back actively posting and writing in a few days!
tagged: info,tagamac
[Aug. 14th, 2007] [Site news]
Avenir, Tagamac’s choice for fiction-writing tools, has been updated to 1.3.6. This minor update includes Growl notifications for .Mac backups and autosaves along with a smattering of behavior changes and bug fixes. You can download the update either within your current version of Avenir 2.3.x or by visiting the Avenir site.
For a full list of changes, see the 2.3.6 beta 1 and beta 2 posts.
tagged: shareware,update,writing
[Aug. 14th, 2007] [Software updates]
Under Tagamac’s rating system, iGTD is distinguished and recommended with reservations. I have assigned it an arbitrary numerical rating of 7 out of 10.
Short and sweet: iGTD is a task manager in the popular “getting things done” style that is extremely powerful and easy to integrate with your workflow, but whose appeal is stunted by an unfriendly and overly complex interface. Users who need a highly versatile task manager and are willing to face iGTD’s learning curve will learn to love it; others will want to look elsewhere. [read more...]
tagged: 7 out of 10,gtd,shareware
[Aug. 12th, 2007] [Reviews]
PackRat, a desktop client for 37signals’ Backpack service, just received a minor update to 1.3.1. This update includes several minor bug fixes and other slight changes to make the program easier to use. The developer also notes that thanks to an update to Backpack, there is a known bug with displaying images added since Backpack’s most recent update; however, the developer is trying to work with 37signals to solve the issue.
For more information, you can see the 1.3.1 blog post, or download it to view the release notes. In other news, things have been slow around the site recently because I’m working on Tagamac’s first review of a piece of software. I should have the article ready soon!
tagged: online,shareware,update
[Aug. 11th, 2007] [Software updates]
Pukka, a desktop del.icio.us client, was updated to version 1.6 today. New in this version is an optional status bar menu allowing quick access to all of your tags/accounts/bookmarks, Spotlight support for all fields of your bookmarks (URL, title, description, tags, etc.), and minor tweaks and fixes.
For more information, including screenshots, please see the Pukka 1.6 announcement.
tagged: bookmarks,shareware,update
[Aug. 9th, 2007] [Software updates]